Dr. Reddy's Mind Clinic
14-UG, Cross Roads Building,
Besides G Sachhanand Kala Mandir,
Vijay Nagar Square, Indore.

Monday to Saturday 1pm to 8pm(By Appointment Only)

4 Ways to Manage Stress during the Coronavirus Outbreak

April 7, 2020

Dr. Srikanth Reddy

#Best Psychiatrist in Indore

#Best Psychologist and De-Addiction Specialist in Indore

As the events surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak unfold, it’s understandable that you might begin to feel increasing stress.

Information is rapidly changing and can be confusing, overwhelming and even scary. You may experience fear and spikes in anxiety. But even if you’re managing your anxiety levels well, there’s still so much more to deal with.

Whether it’s dealing with at-risk family members or patients, a roller coaster economy, trying to juggle work, keeping kids occupied or home schooling while schools are closed, or simply adjusting to a new, unfamiliar condition, stress can easily pile up and negatively impact you — both physically and mentally.

4 steps for managing your stress

Maintain a healthy diet. Stress can adversely affect both you’re eating habits and your metabolism. The best way to combat stress or emotional eating is to be mindful of what triggers stress eating and to be ready to fight the urge. If you are someone who is prone to emotional eating, know your triggers, know what stresses you out and be prepared.

Exercise regularly. While gyms are closed and social distancing guidelines are in place, it’s still possible to get in aerobic exercise, like walking, running, hiking or playing with your kids/pets, all can help release endorphins and there are other exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Take a break. As humans we want control over our lives and in this condition, so we have to learn to manage lack of control. Find a balance of exposure to news that works for you. This is particularly important for our children. We need to limit their exposure to the media and provide age-appropriate information to them. Whenever reasonably possible, disconnect physically and mentally. Play with puzzles, a board game, do a treasure hunt, tackle a project, reorganize something, or start a new book that is unrelated to coronavirus coverage.

Connect with others. I can’t stress enough how important connection is during times of uncertainty and fear, Fear and isolation can lead to depression and anxiety. We want to make a point to connect with others regularly. Reach out to family members, friends and colleagues regularly via phone, text, FaceTime or other virtual platforms. Make sure that you are checking on those that are alone. Check in commonly with your parents, grandparents and your children.

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