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Overcome Hopelessness Thinking and Stop Feeling Depressed

December 21, 2019

Dr. Srikanth Reddy

#Best Psychiatrist in Indore

#Best Psychologist and De-Addiction Specialist in Indore

Whether you are in a depressed mood that may soon lift, or struggle with recurring depression, you probably want relief as soon as you can get it. However, depression is a complicated situation. It has many unpleasant features, such as hopelessness thinking and a painful mood. You may also have anxiety and other challenges.

Change takes time. However, you may speed the process by combating an all-too-common factor in depression: hopelessness thinking.

Hopelessness and Expectations

Hopelessness thoughts shape your perceptions and amplify your own mood. These negative thoughts pivot on expectations, such as you can’t change and your life will continue to go badly. You may believe that your depression will never end. You fear you have no way to free yourself from your dark mood and depressive pessimism.

If you believe you’ll never stop feeling miserable, hopelessness thinking can have unwanted consequences. One big consequence is that you can suggest yourself into a negative cycle where you feel and act the way you think. Another is that you will tend to validate your hopelessness beliefs by finding examples to support them.

Placebo Effects

Understanding hopelessness thinking is a step toward taking that mental burden off your shoulders. Let’s start by exploring how a special form of suggestion can change hopelessness thinking.

Hopelessness beliefs are powerful. Placebos can sometimes subvert this thinking by changing your hopelessness expectations.

A placebo suggestion can have that effect. How are you to apply a placebo to yourself? As a practical matter, this is not something that you can do on-demand, as you might choose a movie on your television set. You may also be rightly skeptical of magical solutions. You don’t believe in such cures. It’s like voodoo to you. So, what do you do?

Never Give Up

There is much reason for hope, even when you can’t see it at first. You can accidentally short-circuit hopelessness thoughts by flipping a page in a book and unexpectedly getting an idea that gives you a different perspective. The unexpected can happen in other ways, such as your depression may spontaneously lift. However, your best bet is to deal with hopelessness thinking by learning about this enemy and its points of vulnerability.

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