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Stress-Related Insomnia – Dr Srikant Reddy Best Psychologist in Indore

January 9, 2021

Dr. Srikanth Reddy

Stress-Related Insomnia


Are you stressed enough over finances, your job, relationship conflict or other stressors that you’re experiencing insomnia? You’re not alone! While sleep researchers generally agree that insomnia prevalence statistics vary because of the criteria used to define insomnia, at any one time about one-third of adults sampled will experience some form of insomnia, either difficulty going to sleep, trouble staying asleep, or insomnia so severe that it disrupts daytime activities. New diagnostic criteria for insomnia released in 2020 reinforce the connections between insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

Because sleep is so essential to overall health, insomnia can affect your life in many ways.  A sleep deficit can make you feel mentally slower and more emotional, which can exacerbate your experience of stress. Dealing with lasting insomnia can reason stress, too, which can lead to more stress-related insomnia. And, if your insomnia is stress-related to begin with, being overly tired and stressed does nothing to help solve the problems creating the stress in the first place. Here are a few things to try if you are dealing with stress-related insomnia.

Work through Your Stress

If you’re losing sleep due to anxiety, you may be capable to relax and get better sleep with a change of perspective. Anxiety, including the type that keeps you up at night, is often a natural response to conditions that need some sort of action. Viewing your situation as a challenge to be faced, rather than a threat, can help you get into an active, decision-making mode rather than remain in an anxious, passive state.

Take the Pressure off Sleep

As mentioned, when losing sleep becomes a regular occurrence, bedtime itself can become stressful. If you’ve reached this point, there are a few things you can do to take the stress off insomnia.

First, if you’re having trouble sleeping, you might want to get up and do something after a few minutes, when you’re sure that sleep is a long way off.

Don’t Do It Alone

Many people who suffer from insomnia do not seek help. This is unfortunate because several interventions can help with insomnia, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication, and can help you take charge of stress-related insomnia.

If you’re experiencing persistent insomnia, consider talking to your doctor about your options.

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